DIY How To Make Bouncy Ball

I got some new Christmas sweaters jingle if you want one of these sweaters to go to crowd moms, while Raju's it comes in different colors if you want it as a sweater or as a t-shirt it's all over there. Get it while it's limited, it's only on sale until December 14.


Get it before Christmas, also something happened with the guava juice boxes, during the whole shipment process it fell down, and then when I went to pick it up at the shipment center it came out with two more new toys. From Wednesday, November 23rd all the way up to Cyber Monday on November 28th, a swallow juice box will not only contain the five original toys but these toys as well. Let's start the play with these toys and see what through their bra.

The first toy we have is flip backs

The first toy we have is flip backs. If you don't know what a flip back is let me show you real quick. Flip back is this toy airplane that can do a whole bunch of tricks, let me show you. Let's slide the wing right here, let's slide the tail right there, and let's stick this right over here, check out my airplane, check out this. The cool thing about this is it does a whole bunch of backflips.

Check this out, if you wanted to do big loops all you want to do is bend everything to the right, just like that check this out, you are ready for this, here we go. If you want it to loop around and shorter loops all you want to do is bend it a little to your left like this, and now throw it, check this out, ready, here we go, trick shots.

I'm going to land this on top of the Christmas tree, here we go, that's the wrong Christmas tree. If you wanted to do a simple backflip, just hold it, like this 1 2 3, by the TV, check this out. I'm going to do a trick shot, I'm going to throw it from here. it's going to hit this guava juice box right here, check this out, here we go. I am the one, no wonder, why your son doesn't need a gun to get respect or punishment. I'm just going to throw this as hard as I can.


Make super bouncy balls using these Ektron crystals and water

Here we go, 3 2 1, I'm the one that what the one by no wonder why your son doesn't need a gun to get respect. Now we have super ball factory, you can make super bouncy balls in two minutes using these Ektron crystals and water. let's try it out.

These crystals eventually use some kind of scientific method and chemistry to make these balls bouncy, what we want to do first is snap these two together, just like this, and now we want to just fill this little thing with these electron crystals. It's not completely full, you need to fill it all the way up to this line.

That's why we have different colors because you can make multi-colored bouncy balls with this thing. I'm going to do purple and yellow, and now we just want to submerge this in water for about a minute, and then it'll turn into a ball. Let's wait a minute, put it here, once it's been there for 60 seconds, you just need to get it out and wait another 90 seconds for it to dry. 90 seconds is up.

Let's open it up and it should be a magical bouncing ball. There we go,  what the solid, and it's so pretty, what I've never done this before. This is my first time doing it, this is all just water and Zekrom crystals. Let's see if they're really bouncing, I'm going to bounce you in the wall. Here we go, it's so bouncy.

Make some more colors

Let's make some more colors you want. To make another bouncy bubble you'll have another rap see the bubble, so we're going to use blue, and we're going to use some orange, and then some green, and then let's add some white, and then we're going to top it off with some pink.


Now we got to set it there for 60 seconds after 60 seconds just wait for it to dry for 90 seconds, and then after 90 seconds it should come out to be a wonderful bell shape, this was very colorful, then blue smells, not bad either. This is great, this is a really pretty ball, and it's super bouncy too.

You want a bouncy ball, you want a basketball, you'll get it. You're going to come. If you want those two toys it'll only be available this Wednesday, November 23rd, all the way up to Cyber Monday, November 28th. If you want to underneath the Christmas tree as a present it's a perfect present, go to if you want one also.

Other web page resource

DIY Bouncy Balls - Easy Tutorial to Make Super Bouncy Balls: make-super-bouncy-balls