Hello, what's on YouTube today? I am releasing a new product called Palace. So what's inside the box you're asking? It's not Bob a juice but it's even better. Let me show you.

This is what's behind the box toys, not one toy, not two toys, not three toys not, for two minutes. But, five toys, there are five toys in this Guava Juice box. We got bright bugs, we got wacky wally, we got squirm leaves, we got super elastic buckle plastic and we got electro putty. Hey, how do I get this Guava Juice box? Let me tell you.

I'm starting a Guava Juice box subscription that comes with four boxes every single year. Each box cost $14.99, or you can just purchase one box for $19.99. By the way, the total of all these products combined, it's $40. So, you basically save 50% off where do I go to get one? You go to, if you want.

All right, let's play with these toys. Okay so, our first toy, we have squirm Lee's. Look at this, it's like a little fuzzy worm. In here, how does it work? I really don't know how it works. It's moving you what that's crazy, it's moving around my body. My wow, this is so cool chill in the ball right. But, if you lift it up, it's trying to get out. I don't good, it's in there, it won't leave me alone.

Okay so, I have five squirm Lee's. Right now so, let's put in the bowl and they're not doing anything. Hello, man you got this is cool guys. You guys calm down, I don't have any food. You guys are good. All right, next up we have the electro putty this thing glows in the dark. So, we have to go over to a dark room. Let's go to the bathroom most help. So, I'm here, my bathtub, my favorite bathtub, you guys know this. So, I'm here with the electro putty. So, I don't know if you got to see this. I am unboxing it, right now look at that. So, it comes with a pen that lights up. Like this and the electro putty itself is glow-in-the-dark. So, let's unwrap this.

Right now, I don't know if you guys can see this, but it's a little bit green. Okay so, the cool thing about this putty is you can use this pin that lights up and right on it and since this putty glows in the dark, you can write little notes. See? I'll say Hi to you guys. Check this out Hi. Did you see it? So, how Abyss? Let's make the whole thing glow really quick. So, let’s write all over it, let's penetrate it with this light. Look at that, it's looks like a kryptonite Superman, are you all right? I'm gonna throw it. Now here, we go cool, you see it.

Next up, we have super elastic bubble plastic, let's unwrap this. Okay so, it comes with two little tubes and this thing that kind of looks like what's the thing called we go up the ammo has been loaded. Let's do this, let's post some bubbles in three, two, one, this is so cool that was. So, oh my god, it really is super elastic bubble plastic because it's really just plastic.

How about this can? We do a bubble inside, we do that. Okay, there's one bubble no. All right, let's try another color. It's kind of like yellow and pink. There's still some pink residue from the previous bubble. We can take it out, guys check this out suck to my head what if we can combine bubbles. This is so cool man. Alright, a little balloon fly, three, two, one.

Next up, we have the wacky Wally, you throw it into a wall or window and it will just crawl right down. Let's try it out, don't mind me, this is how I open my packages in my toys. So, I just get too excited. We have Wally and we have Wally. So, they're possible that let's throw into the LOB, three, two, one.

Probably down who's gonna win the orange or the green? Comment down below, it's a race who's gonna win the green is the winner. So, I could comment in green you are amazing. So, I have a total of twenty wacky Wally's. So, let's watch them flip and crawl and jump here. We go three, two, one, Bailey combined to make one giant watch Wally. Look at this one, this is like if you're ever stressed out or you're having a bad day, just throw your wacky wall-e into your wall and you'll have a great day. Imagine waking up to this, you'd be like. What last but not least the bright bikes. 

Let's check them out, right over there I caught it cool, it's in my butt. This is great dude what are you doing in my phone. I'm get you out of there. All right guys, if you want all those toys, they will all be inside this Guava Juice box. I made this box myself. So, it's very special to me. So, if you get one, it means a lot to me to get one because this is my very first project. I built with my love and my happiness for you. If you want my baby is $14.99 per box for the subscription or if you want one-time purchase $19.99.

So, please, if you all okay stick tipsy yeah swear.