I Got Guava Juice Box SPACE BOX Edition Unboxing

We got the new Guava Juice Box, Space Box Edition. It's so great that it's out of this world. Ha ha. Alright. So if you're wondering where to get these Guava Juice Boxes, go to Guavadjucebox.com.

If you want to buy the box alone, one box is $19.99. But if you get a subscription, it's $14.99 and you get a new box every three months. Wow. So each of these boxes contains at least six items. The craziest thing about it is they're all over $60. Okay, if you want topause the video and get one and then watch it after you get it, go for it. Let's box this together. So, big thumbs up.

If you love your mom, right. So, without further ado, let's take a space box and then let's see what's inside the box. Okay, so this is the space box. Look at it. Look at its pure beauty over there. honestly, these aren't just so beautiful, like well designed. It just looks great. I'm sure I'm all so happy.


Therefore it goes to your heart, Makes your heart happy too. So, space box, let's open it up. Whoa, Check it out. So the cool thing about this is for you guys who know until the end of the video. The box itself is also something impressive. This box till the end, you'll see everything.

UFO Launcher - How to Launch a UFO

So, off the bat comes with my thank-you letter, of course. Alright, okay, there's me. Let me know in the comments down below if you have all 11 boxes. That's crazy. If someone has all 11, oh my gosh, I'm going to fly you out here. Let's hang out. We're going to start from the top to the bottom. So the first thing you see here is this: Okay, I played with this lot when I was a kid, so I'm just really happy that it's included in the box. This is my very own UFO launcher. Okay, you open it.

It comes with two pieces. These two pieces are amazing, because all you'll do is put the copter piece with the base piece and then boom. But wait, this copter piece actually lights up, which looks really cool in the dark. Okay, But there's a switch right here. Let's turn it, screw it up, and then right there, look it lights up. I don't know how much you can see right now, but this is how it goes. Okay, so let's see what it looks like with the lights off. Lights off, very nice. All right, let's check this out. Ready.

Three, Two, One. Whoa, Where'd it go? Try this out. okay, what you want to do is launch it and it's going to go back down, but then it's going to keep spinning on the floor over there, which makes it a cool little light show. okay, what you can also do, instead of placing it upwards, turn it upside down, and then just let it rip. Whoa? Okay, it just looks like a UFO just spinning on the floor. That's really amazing. What you can also do is you can get one of your friends and then just play catch. But be careful with this.

Okay, because you don't want to poke anyone with the eye. Just be super careful. And then, if you do that, it'll look like this. Hey, Okay, now, go really far. All right, here we go. Don't try this at home. Okay, whatever, here we go.

What's Up With Astronaut Roi?

Three, Two, One. Oh, One, Two, Three. Go, Get it, Get it, Get it. Where'd you get it? Okay, next up is a collectible item. Okay? So this is the astronaut roi, but if you combine it as asstroi-not. But seriously, though, this is the eighth action figure. The eighth wow juice figure.

Okay, the very first one was this one from the gooey-angloey box right here. So these are two and then there's six more. Let me know in the comments down below what are the other six? Okay, so let's open this box real quick. Comes in a little nice little wrapper, obviously, because you don't want that contamination, because in outer space it's contamination. So we got no contamination. You guys get the point, but there's a little lit right here. You just kind of tear it sideways. like that.

Really easy. For you guys who don't know how to open this one, look at astronaut Roi. What's he doing? Dude, that is crazy. Check out the first one. Check out the latest one. That is insane, right? So this is like the great, great, great, grandpa of this one. You just stay right here.

okay, Astronaut roi, you good, all right, cool, all right. Next up, we - Hey, Roi! - What was that? Hey Rioi, Hey Rioi, What's Up? astronaut roii? How do the baby astronaut go to sleep? Um, you rock it, aw man. Okay, why don't people like restaurants from the moon? Because it has no atmosphere.

Ah Okay, okay, uh. Why does the sun go to school? Because it wants to get brighter. Why? Neptune? Oh, all right, I'm out of here. All right. Anyways, moving on to the next one we have here. This is pretty cool.

Meteor Particles

meteor particles. Okay? So meteor particles? What do meteors have? They have particles. What also do they have? They have particles that don't get wet. Don't believe me.

Let's get a glass of water. All right. So we have a bowl of water here. So you take this water. okay, unwrap it, same way, Pooda, You can look inside. It's all pink and like nice. It's kind of reminds you of sand, but the sand never gets wet. But it's actually meteor particles.

okay. Put it all in here. And the cool thing about it is, if you look under enough, it kind of looks like a brain. It looks weird, right? It doesn't really look like sand. Take this out. Whoa, That's crazy?

You Want to Know Magic Trick

That's magic, right? You want to know magic trick. Leo, come here, Leo, this is pure magic, right? Feel it. It doesn't get wet, right, it's a magic, right. All right, let me show you this magic trick. okay, come closer, come closer.

Think of a bird. okay, you have a bird. Sure, a bird has a beak. a bird has a stomach a bird has eyeballs a bird has a brain What else does a bird have? Legs? What's the main thing?

The Guava Juice Ghost Box

The bird has wings. Wings. wings. okay. All right, I'm going to put this on astronaut Roy. Watch magic say wing (10 times Wing Wing Wing Wing Wing Wing Wing Wing Wing Wing). Hello, Okay, thank you, thank you, thank you. Yay. Good for Leo. But just like that magic trick, this is also a magic trick because it's all science and all cool.

So the cool thing about this is like you can put it under water, but you can also put it on, not water, and put water on it. Okay? So we're going to put little drops of water and you can kind of see it not soaking. Look at that. See, just, water just stands still on top, which is absolutely amazing. Look at that. You can make like a little pool in the middle. Oh, you can make like a little volcano. There you go. You know what an archipelago is.

Me too. All right, moving on, we got the space claw going in the space box. What's itgonna grab? Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, that's not it. Oh, I got it. Yeah, this is called the space putty. Okay, check it out. I'm going to put it here so you can see the top of it. Nice, here's the bottom of it. Look at that.

These are galaxy-like and elactic. What's your favorite space word? Let me know in the comments down below. Mine is phosphines. Look it up. It's pretty cool. It's a pretty word. Let's open this up if you don't know what putty is. It's basically soft and squishy substance from space. Aliens have to make this okay.

But the cool thing about this is what I like about putty is it takes the shape and form a lot better than slime does. So like that, it just goes there, but then it retracts back. It's kind of like a rubber band. Okay, you do one thing to it, and then, if you have astronaut Roy, all you'll do is put him right here and then right here. Look at that he has his own space- putty cloud, but from this he can just fly around. Space looks good, right? The cool thing about this is its elastic is really nice, just like this. Watch, Whoa, Awesome. Okay, I'm just going to put you right here with astronaut Roy. The next thing we have in the space box: go have a juice box, space box edition box.

We have the plasma ball, okay? So if you've never seen one of these things, they're pretty cool. They use electromagnetic energy testicoils that correlate and respond to the plastic on the cover. Whoa, look at that. So this is it. I mean, you've probably seen this around, but this is the special Guava Juice edition box. Okay, the only thing different between this versus others is this one's made by me. Oh, so in a way you get a piece of me, and then we kind of, just like you know, just hang out. Okay, check it out. So you turn on.

Boom, Can you see anything? Oh, okay. So I think it's time for another round, though. Lights off. Whoa, If you look at a microscope and look at atoms, this is not what it looks like. Okay, but it looks cool. Kind of looks like Medusa's Hat. So we're going to segue just a little further out, because I have a fun fact about these plasma balls. Okay, maybe like ghosts. I don't know.

Ghosts are scary, but apparently they use electromagnetic force. What has electromagnetic force this plasma ball? Okay, so I have here a ghost gadget. Okay, we're going to use it and we're going to use the electromagnetic force to power this, and hopefully we can hear ghosts. By the way, you guys want a ghost box like a ghost Guava Juice box. Let me know in the comments down below if you don't know what the albos is. It takes electromagnetic fields, plasma, ball, and temperature space and then it converts it into noises. Okay, so let's see what the ghost here has to say. It's stemming from here. No matter what happens, it's following the antenna of this, which is crazy, right?

I don't know what you guys heard. Comment below what you guys think you heard on this thing. I heard help. Okay, there's also another setting. This thing actually helps you determine what the ghost is saying. So let's do that. Covered, Covered, All Right. So that's enough of that. If you want to see more, stay tuned. Subscribe.

Might see a Guava Juice ghost box. All right, let's on. It's getting too scary. Okay, so I hope you enjoyed that fun fact. By the way, the ovalist does not come in the Guava Juice box. I just have it and I just like whoa. It makes sense to show you that fact. Okay, you can also put your hand. I don't know how much you can see, but it makes cool shapes. You can see my fingertips glow.

It doesn't hurt or anything. It just looks cool on camera. We can put my nose on it and then it takes all the black out the way. Not really, but if you think about it and believe in it, it might happen. Last but not least, okay, if you remember in the beginning of the video, to wait till the end of the video for a special announcement. This is the special announcement. Like I said in the beginning, the box itself is also part of the fun. You can unwrap it just like this.

The Guava Juice Space Box

And for the space box, this is just a guide and a template. Okay, think of it like an answer key, because the last thing I didn't pull out of the box is this poster. Okay, so this poster you put on your wall, you put on your ceiling, you put on your bathroom. It's basically a connect-the dots. So if you ever get bored and then you want something just to relieve you from stress because you might be stressed at school, if you just want to be very artistic, this is a perfect way to do that. And, of course, you can use the box as a template. These are the answers.

Oh, Oh, I don't want to show the answers because sometimes I don't want to spoil it for you guys. That is the Guava Juice Space Box. Once again, if you want to go to Guavajuicebox.com, okay, you can get it for one time for $19.99. If you get a subscription for $19.99, you get a new box every three months. Oh yeah, by the way, have you played uptap or yet you haven't. Okay, go, download it iOS, and Android, even at Facebook Messenger. So go there and play it.

It's free, but there's an alien there, and the alienrelates to the box. That's why there's a space box and there's an alien in there. Oh, so you can go in the box. Check out my screenshot game on Android. Da da da da da da. I'll leave everything in the description down below and wait, wait, Hello, Stay juicy.